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What do school Governors do?

The purpose of a Governing Body is to provide strategic support and direction to the senior leadership team of the school to enable the best possible education for pupils.

Governors meet regularly with the Headteacher and staff to decide the school’s aims and policies, and to oversee the efficient running of the school. Governors work in partnership with the school and the Local Authority, and have particular responsibility for:

  • Setting aims and planning for the future of the school
  • Agreeing targets to raise standards of achievement
  • Ensuring that the curriculum meets the needs of all pupils
  • Monitoring the school budget
  • Staffing issues, including appointing the Headteacher and other staff, and determining salaries
  • Making sure all pupils have equal opportunities within the school and pupils with special educational needs are provided for
  • Deciding and ratifying the school’s policies
  • Ensuring the school site is well maintained, safe and secure
  • Dealing with complaints about the school

Holymead’s Governing Body

Governing Bodies of Local Authority maintained schools like us are made up of a combination of the following:

  • Co-Opted Governors – appointed by the Governing Body on the basis of their expertise
  • LA Governors – appointed by the local authority
  • Parent Governors – elected by parents
  • Staff Governors – elected by teaching and non-teaching staff
  • Associate Members – appointed by the Governing Body
  • The Headteacher

The Full Governing Body meets once per term and is split into three committees who also meet once per term:

  1. Finance & Staffing
  2. Health, Safety, & Wellbeing
  3. Curriculum, Standards, & Inclusion

We also have ‘Link Governors’ who focus on areas of improvement from the school improvement plan and make regular visits to monitor the school’s progress.

Would you like to be a Governor?

Anyone interested in having a positive impact on the future of our young people can become a Governor. It’s a voluntary role, and you would be joining the largest voluntary workforce in the UK.

You have to be over 18, but Governors come from a variety of backgrounds and circumstances and Holymead is always looking for Governors who can bring new skills and expertise to the Governing Body.

If you have any questions about becoming a Governor at Holymead, or Governance in general, please contact the Chair of Governors via: